Monday, April 14, 2008

part two

the birds begin to awaken, marking the coming end of night. blades of the tall grasses wave politely, whistling a low tune of goodbye whilst doing so. the night so calming. re-energises and invigorates the senses again. so beautiful as she is dark and mysterious. for some preposterous reason this charm of the darkness is feared and deemed evil. this i cannot fathom. this i dont understand.


i close my eyes in the midst of the sounds of light fluttering moths trying to imagine dawn. what is usually thought of as the new beginning. perhaps it is. although it might be not,maybe instead a reminder of the passing of yesterday , left forever and never to return again, except in the bleak memories for those whom that little part of everyone elses life had been significant,placed atop other previous memories soon to be buried just as deep.

i tried to imagine
tried to picture the rising sun above all creations.
but i couldnt.


as i sit up to view the valley one last time before day breaks in,i see light puffs of translucent smoke rise to the sky from little houses, some lit by single golden bulbs some by tubes of blinding white light. both created by Man, both created for Man.

a sigh escapes from me and the tiresome toads seemed to do just the same but in a louder manner just enough to startle me from my mind for a moment.

behind the kind owl hoots again. to tell me he is still in my company. i couldnt help but feel the need to show him some gratitude. i got up and started to trudge along the green bluegrass with its little violet flowers popping beneath the scarce light. the earth is cold under my bare feet, glad to be blessed with the sensation of stepping on the soft ground, feeling every step with the sound of crunching greens and brittle twigs, as if welcoming me to the embrace of the loving forest, home of many, origin of more.


i walk slowly. salvaging every breath of awe while walking through passages of tall arched trees carved carefully by the artist with intense details to create a most beautiful sight decorated by falling leaves and sparkling drops of pure water lighted by the moon, whose presence is with the grace of fleeting time.

night flowers grow in huddled bunches every here and there exuding raw scents that tinge and hang in the invisible air , making the night venture even more unbelievably magical than it already is. the eye captures the rapturous dance of life and the inner beauty of the Life-giver in a way that no one has ever seen. the glory of nature lies in the eye of the beholder, because there is simply no other way to preserve the evanescent spirit in harmonious motion.
graceful, demure and fair.


the owl hoots again...........

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