Thursday, March 13, 2008


ok i admit (despite the obviousness) that it has been long since i have posted. of all the many bright and shiny days i have to choose today. the day i feel most unlikely to post anything at all. truth be told i have not been feeling rather well lately. i all started on the day SPM 2007 results were announced. its sickening. the nausea, the bloated-ness, the migrain(watched atonement? its pronouncced me-grain. as in mee goreng), worse of all, the sudden urge to cry for no apparent reason. however,i would still not allow myself to think of myself as sick. lame philosophy but i think that you are what you think you are.

these mum said were the unmistakeable signs of pregnancy, PMS, and menopause. all i could do was look at her miserably and whine how this was supposed to make me feel any better. funny you may say but not very when you are the one sitting in front of the computer fighting the urge to barf.

not to mention all my untended homeworks. seni folio (aisha i just read your blog) is no less uncared for during the past six days of holiday. no doubt this was week was the most unproductive this whole year. a friend (HS), suggested that my mild depression was somehow caused by SPM. couldnt help but agree. everyone i know didnt get straight A's. and me?

im depressed. there i said it.

hail god! who art in heaven. help thy nauseas son art in chemistry in physics.
(another side effect of me-grain. it makes me all poetic,)
ps: i wanna cry again.....

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